
One-on-One Coaching

From the menu of words/qualities, we will discern several that best fit your life vision and creatively explore how they align with and strengthen your intentions.


My fee is a sliding scale model of $100 – $300/hour. $100 is the minimum and it is up to the client how much they choose to add beyond that. There is no expectation and no judgment. I want coaching to be available to as many as possible.

Contact me to schedule a free 20-minute consultation.

What Clients Receive:

I am a hybrid coach/consultant.

Clients receive traditional coaching, which is grounded in believing each client is naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. Coaching beautifully facilitates each person discerning best next steps and ways to move toward and reach their goals. It is also possible that an outcome of coaching is a complete redesign of one’s vision and goals based on what the client discovers in the process. It is affirming and it is often life changing in the best of ways.

Having lived decades in multiple roles and continually learning, if there is a way I can meaningfully contribute to the conversation by example, I clearly let the client know I am stepping out of the coaching role into a consulting role.

In addition, I have found that choosing several qualities of what I call “conscious living” not only adds depth to the coaching conversation but is important to the client living in alignment to “being” as much as to “achieving.” I call these metaphorical wells, wells that sustain as well as inspire and frame how we think and live our true selves, connected to our values. Examples of wells are: resilience, not knowing, observation, wonder, perspectives, leadership, courage, etc.

At the conclusion of our sessions together, each client has accessed a wealth of resources, their own and of others, to magnificently move forward in response to their unique calling.