Dawn is a speaker who connects beautifully with her audience via her original, creative presentations tailored to the specific topic at hand. While at times referencing others, she is passionate about designing from her heart, sharing perspectives that offer fresh possibilities for reflection and action.”

Lewis J. Forbes, Retired Financial Planner

Unique Special Offering

Vital Life Planning for Adults of All Ages

The catalyst for my book, Baby Boomers +: A Guide to Designing These Years, Honoring the Full Circle of Life and Creating Life-Giving Conversations was a presentation on which I collaborated with Lew Forbes, a now retired financial planner in Atlanta, GA.

Lawyers work with clients to prepare and complete legal documents that assure all is in order before one’s death or significant limitations.

Once completed, it often feels challenging to speak about the documents with those who most need to know; however, doing so with courage, integrity, guidance, and love, the conversations are what I call “life-giving.” The value of such conversations is immeasurable for both the “giver” and the one who receives.

I am passionate about helping people design these essential conversations in a way that honors the uniqueness of their situation.

I have been on both sides – documents prepared and no existing documents. I have also witnessed the burden of having to rush legal decisions and create documents due to unexpected circumstances.

This has fueled my desire to speak to groups and work with individuals to design conversations that matter as much as the completion of the documents. When both happen in tandem, there is freedom from regret and an estate can be processed with ease.

While I initially wrote the book for my generation, the so-called Baby Boomers, I now advocate for basic documents and communication about them being done in the early adult years. All can be updated as needed.

It is my deepest desire to replace procrastination and fear with courage, confidence, and commitment to embrace the important step of communication.

Contact me to discuss speaking to a group or to work individually. I look forward to serving you.

P.S. We will also dip into some beautiful, impactful metaphorical wells as they fit this work.

How It Works

The 2 L’s: Legal Documents and Life-Giving Conversations

These offerings are available in person in the surrounding Philadelphia/Northeast area or via Zoom anywhere in the world.


A group speaking engagement sponsored by an organization for members or clients *:

  • 60-minute presentation – $250.00
  • 90-minute presentation, which allows for interaction – $350.00

Individual coaching and small group coaching:

  • Individual – the base price per hour is $100, with a range chosen by the client up to $300.00.
  • Small group – if, for example a group of 8 at a retirement community wants to work with me together, it will be priced according to the size of group and amount of time. Current model – if it is a group of 8 for 2 hours, it would be $60 per person. Two hours is the minimum small group engagement. If a half day or longer is engaged, the price would vary accordingly.

Participants Receive

For 1 hour or 90-minute speaking engagements, attendees will receive a general summary. For individual coaching or small group extended conversation, more time is given specifically to creating life-giving conversations with family or those closest to you.

  • a comprehensive list of needed legal documents *
  • a comprehensive list of other important documents and information to share
  • information about where and how documents can be accessed
  • an understanding how and why these steps deeply matter and why “the time is now” rather than “there’s always tomorrow.”
  • ways to tailor communication to recipients of the documents
  • exploration of and ways to stand in one’s own voice about these decisions as well as other choices for living, for example, where one chooses to live
  • information for how to navigate this vital work with grace, exploring new perspectives and creative ideas that fit individual circumstances and decrease stress
  • inspiration to honor and celebrate what is completed as a gift that is invaluable and that no one else can give

*Always consult with your attorney to make sure you have the correct set of documents specific to you

This is also an extremely valuable conversation to bring to parents in educational settings. Many parents are in the middle, meaning that they are parenting their own children as well as often taking on new caring components with their own parents. What a beautiful offering to help young parents navigate how to “live” in those two roles, learn how they can advocate for elder parents completing this work and sharing it with them, as well as assuming the work for themselves on behalf of their own young family.

My book

Baby Boomers +: A Guide to Designing These Years, Honoring the Full Circle of Life and Creating Life-Giving Conversations.

It is written as if we were sitting over a cup of coffee together.