About Me

Dawn Sully Pile

During my 35 years in education, I designed and delivered many parent presentations. I spoke at national education conferences and worked with schools around ethos. I coached individuals looking to design their future, coached a youth into his own leadership potential, coached engineers, and coached teachers and education administrators. I created “Caregiving: Reimagine Your Role, Restore Your Soul” and was the speaker at lunch and learns for staff of several hospitals.

I have been a child, wife, parent, friend, neighbor, assistant teacher with special needs children, teacher of gifted children, teacher of amazing children of all abilities, education administrator, leader, Stephen minister, musician, writer, coach, author, education consultant, speaker, and continual student. I still am many of these.

My MA is in ministry. I am a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) through Co-Active Training Institute and completed their intensive leadership program.

My book

Baby Boomers +: A Guide to Designing These Years, Honoring the Full Circle of Life and Creating Life-Giving Conversations.

It is written as if we were sitting over a cup of coffee together.

Going Forward

My devoted intention is to bring Dip Into Wells of Being fully alive. It is to come together at metaphorical wells such as the well of possibility, grace, the unknown, play, civility and so many more, to energetically activate words in such a way that they become transformative patterns for how we live.

Words matter. Words have the capacity to change us. Certain words describe essential qualities of living. When we choose to give robust attention to them, we sustain one another individually and collectively, and in ways we may never know.

Since childhood, for me it has always been about being. It is our strength and power of uncompromised being that frames and anchors all else we do in our lives.

I want the light that shines brilliantly from conscious living to become exponentially brighter, to person by person replace that which is the opposite.

Our worlds, individual and the whole world, are yearning to be uplifted, grounded in love, care for one another, and care for this planet. I believe each of us has extraordinary capacities to effect the shifts of which we dream.